
Reprogramming breast cancer
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Find your research passion.
The UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences conducts more than $40 million in research every year.
Leaders in Research

TRANSCEND brings together researchers and clinicians with diverse experience from across the region to develop unique and innovative means of combating disease and other health issues in North Dakota

Researchers studying epigenetics and epigenomics explore the mechanisms that regulate gene expression.

Researching the significant health disparities experienced by Native populations related to historical trauma, adverse childhood experiences, forced boarding school participation, and toxic stress.

From COVID to Zika, our infectious disease researchers explore the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of vector-borne or human-to-human infections.

Research into the causes and treatments of neurodegenerative disorders, from Alzheimer's to Parkinson's to Multiple Sclerosis is one of our School's hallmarks.

With our Center for Rural Health leading the way, our School studies the often different health outcomes between various populations.

Links to our researchers studying substance use disorders and the health outcomes of addiction on individuals, their families, and other vulnerable populations.

A running list of the research publications of SMHS faculty, graduate students, and staff.

Research funding opportunities available via the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

The research facilities and cores at the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

A partial list of our major imaging, scanning, spectrometry, and genomic equipment.

Information and resources from the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences Grants Management team.

Connect with the faculty who maintain research labs within the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

UND's INBRE program promotes the development, coordination and sharing of research resources and expertise that will expand the research opportunities and increase the number of competitive investigators in the IDeA-eligible states like North Dakota.

Descriptions of and links to our many partner organizations engaged in biomedical research.
Student Research Opportunities

The premier biomedical research event held annually at the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

UND medical students have diverse opportunities to engage in research across a broad spectrum, from basic science to translational studies and everything in between.

Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to participate in research experiences that are based on community needs and the School's service learning model.

Our School houses many research options for students in our medical, graduate, and health sciences programs. We also coordinate multiple undergraduate research opportunities.

The hallmark of a major research university is its ability to link faculty across all disciplines toward the creation of new ideas and the generation of new technologies.

Information on the several awards for student publication and dissemination available at the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.