
Founded in 1905, UND's School of Medicine & Health Sciences is the only medical school in North Dakota.
Today, two out of every three family physicians in the state received their medical degree from UND. Together, we are shaping the future of healthcare.

An internist and women's health specialist by training, Dean Dr. Marjorie Jenkins brings years of executive and philanthropic experience to North Dakota's only medical school.

Our Administration & Finance team assures the best possible business practices, in accordance with North Dakota University System policies.

Assuring academic standards of excellence for our diverse student body to promote educational innovation and scholarship, and serve the needs of our academic community.

Supporting current and prospective students through multiple functions, including student affairs, financial aid, admissions, and registration.

Hosting events for alumni, students, and staff, and producing our SMHS publications, including our quarterly magazine North Dakota Medicine.

Weekly newsletters, annual reports, magazines, and more! Read all the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences publications here.

The flagship facility of our multi-professional healthcare training enterprise resides on the west end of the UND campus in Grand Forks, N.D.

In addition to a Grand Forks campus, our School maintains campus offices in Bismarck, Fargo, and Minot, N.D.

Biomedical research is conducted in the main SMHS building and in our sister facilities across campus and around the state.

The state's largest and busiest simulation facility, offering both a clinical and hospital simulation settings for providers of all backgrounds.

Our Office for Multicultural Education works with each SMHS department on their profession's multicultural needs.

Our organizational chart, strategic plan, and School purpose, as outlined in North Dakota Century Code.