Service Learning and Community Service
What is service learning?
According to researchers like Jacoby (1996) and Siefer (1998), service learning combines community service, typically outside the classroom, with explicit learning objectives. It often follows the PARE model (Prepare, Act, Reflect, and Evaluate). Students are involved in service learning not only to provide direct service to communities and organizations looking for partners, but also come to understand better the conditions that create "need" in the first place, the context in which service is provided, and students' roles as active citizens in a democracy.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the service learning activity, students will be able to accomplish these objectives:
- Apply discipline-specific and/or interdisciplinary knowledge and critical thinking skills to community issues.
- Demonstrate critical self-reflection of one's own assumption and value as applied to community issues.
- Demonstrate knowledge and sensitivity to issues of culture and social justice as applied to community engagement.
Service Learning Process
- Complete your pre-service learning activities
- Watch: Learning to Give: Stages of Service Learning (3.5 minutes) to review the steps of the service learning process
- Answer the pre-service learning questions:
- Activity: What activity are you planning to complete?
- Community: What community need is your service learning activity designed to address?
- Self: What do you hope to learn from the experience?
- Visit with the campus preceptor for service learning to discuss
- The activity you will complete
- Your personal objectives
- Complete your service learning activity
- Complete your written reflection in Leo academic portrait or a presentation at Service Learning Day
- Receive feedback on your reflection or presentation
Reflective Writing Template and Feedback as used in LEO Academic Portrait
Campus Service Learning and Community Service Opportunities
Contact: Susan Zelewski, M.D., Assistant Dean, NE Campus
- Alerus Health Fair Health Screenings
- Aliveness Project in Minneapolis, MN
- Camp Good Mourning Volunteer
- Carson Wentz AO1 Foundation - Camp Conquerors (Fargo Based)
- Global Friends Coalition
- Health presentations at elementary schools with DOC (Doctors Ought to Care)
- Heart Walk at Choice Fitness Health Screenings
- Hospice of the Red River Valley
- Little Miracles
- Love in Action
- MediFun Day with Grand Forks Girl Scouts
- Northlands Rescue Mission, health screening and health education
- Out of the Darkness
- Safe Kids Grand Forks
- Science Day with AMSA (American Medical Student Association)
- Scrubs Academy
- Special Olympics Grand Forks Volunteer
- Teddy Bear Clinic
- United Way
- Wal-Mart Health Screening
Contact: Paul D. Olson, MD, Assistant Dean, NW Campus
- Cardiac Ready Community BP/pulse checks
- Career fair at Minot High School
- Counsel Fort Berthold reservation students regarding smoking
- Domestic Violence Crisis Center
- Men's Shelter
- Presentations at area high schools
- Sports physical clinic
- Sports physicals for the Williston schools
- Stroke support group
- Trinity booth at Hostfest in October; perform screening for vital sign exams and triage emergencies that arise at the event.
- Trinity booth at the ND State Fair in the Summer: perform screening exam.
- Volunteer at the free clinic in Minot
Contact: Scott Engum, M.D., Associate Dean, SE Campus
- Boys and Girls Club
- Feed my Starving Children
- Great Plain Foodbank
- High school health careers class run at our Sanford location
- Homeless Housing Initiative Lunch and Learn
- Other organizations that interest the student such as United Churches homeless site, YWCA, Boys Club, etc.
- Ronald McDonald House
- Special Olympics: coaching, assisting with games, etc.
- Young Adults Club (YAK) for young adults with developmental delay
Contact: Luke Roller, MD, Associate Dean, SW Campus
- Abused Adult Resource Center
- Big Brother/Big Sister
- BisMan Mentor Squad
- Charles Youth Hall Services
- God's Child Project
- Hospice of the Red River Valley - Bismarck
- Heaven's Helpers Soup Kitchen
- Meet with high school students at the local high schools in medical career classes to talk about medicine and allied health as a career.
- Participate in an "on hands day" for Missouri River Area Career and Technical Consortium in western North Dakota high school medical careers class held at the Career Academy on the Bismarck State College campus.
- Participating in the University Showcase during the legislative session.
- Youthworks