UND PT Admissions
Our team offers a six-year curriculum leading to the Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) degree.
Acceptance into the program is on a competitive basis, with the major determinant being the prerequisite science grade point average SGPA. Today, the program accepts 52 students annually out of an average of 150 applicants. Specific acceptance rates are available upon request.
Resident and non-resident admissions is open to both residents and non-residents of North Dakota. WICHE admission is for WICHE-certified students eligible for admission through the WICHE process. Wyoming and Hawaii currently offer support for physical therapy WICHE students. Alaska may provide support.
Admission Options
Early Assurance
Ensure a spot as an Incoming Freshman to UND's PT Program. Early assurance is a criterion-based early admission program for Pre-Physical therapy students who have demonstrated exemplary academic performance during high school.
- Limited to the first 20 qualified candidates
- Applications become available August 1st of the student's senior year of high school
- High school GPA of 3.75 or higher
Early Acceptance
Early acceptance is an early admission opportunity for students who have demonstrated exemplary academic performance throughout their undergraduate coursework and have connections to UND or ND residence.
- Applicants who 1) have completed all science prerequisite courses with a GPA of 3.7 or higher AND 2) are ND residents OR have completed all post-secondary (post-high school) coursework at UND.
- Application Deadline: August 15
- Interview Timeline: September
Fall Admission
The Fall admissions option allows for UND and non-UND students who have completed the majority of science prerequisite courses the opportunity to apply for admission.
- Applicants who 1) have completed 8 of the 10 science prerequisite courses with a GPA of 3.5 or higher at time of application AND 2) will have completed all science prerequisite courses by the end of December.
- Individuals who submit complete applications will be considered for interviews and acceptance.
- Application Deadline: October 15
- Interview Timeline: November
Spring Admission
The Spring Admissions option allows for UND and non-UND students that have met the pre-PT requirements to apply for admission to the UND PT program.
- Individuals who submit complete applications by December 15 will be considered for interviews and acceptance. No minimal science GPA required for application.
- Application Deadline: December 15
- Interview Timeline: February/March
Admission Requirements
Prior to admission, a minimum of 90 semester hours of credit from an approved college or university is required. Students should be broadly educated in the sciences and humanities. The Department of Physical Therapy recognizes that, since physical therapy deals with people, an understanding of literature, art, history, ethics, and philosophy is an adjunct to a physical therapist. Science and humanities are both viewed as necessary for the practice of physical therapy.
Students who enter the professional program without a bachelor's degree must complete the Essential Studies Requirements of the University of North Dakota. The courses and credits listed below indicate the core prerequisites all applicants must complete prior to admission to the physical therapy program.
Students may take additional electives from any field of study; however, the depth of the pre-physical therapy education should demonstrate that students have progressed from simple to complex studies in at least one content area. This requirement might typically be demonstrated by a discipline major, but in any case should demonstrate a basic comprehensiveness and integrity of study within a particular content area. This does not suggest that a separate undergraduate degree must be awarded; however, the breadth and depth in a discipline should be demonstrated. Course credits equivalent to an already recognized minor OR 20 credits of a cognate (credits in a particular discipline) with at least eight (8) of those cognate credits from upper level courses, i.e. 300 and/or 400 numbers, could accomplish this requirement.
Prospective students should review the UND P.T. Technical Standards to make sure they meet the requirements of the professional program. It is strongly recommended students are computer literate prior to entering the professional program.
Prospective students need 90 credits, including the following requirements:
- English 110 College Composition I (3 cr.)*
- English 130 Composition II: Writing for Public Audiences (3 cr.)*
- Fine Arts and Humanities (9 cr.)*
- Biol 150, 150L, 151, 151L. Introduction to Biology (8 cr.)
- Chem 121, 121L, 122, 122L. General Chemistry I, II (8 cr.)
- Social Science (3 cr.)*
- Psy 111. Introduction to Psychology (3 cr.)
- Phys 161, 162. Introduction to College Physics (8 cr.)
- BIMD 220/220L, 221/221L Human Anatomy and Physiology I, II (8 cr.)
- Comm 110. Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3 cr.)*
- Psy 250. Developmental Psychology (4 cr.)
- Psy 270. Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.)
- Statistics (3 cr.)
- PT 101. Orientation to Physical Therapy (1 cr.) (recommended)
- Electives (must have at least 20 credits in one discipline)
*Courses should contribute to completion of Essential Studies Requirements.
**The combined courses of Anat 204 and PPT 301 are accepted for the combination of BIMD 220/220L and BIMD 221/221L.
Prospective students need 90 credits, including the following requirements:
- Two semesters of General Biology (8 cr.)
- Two semesters of General Chemistry (8 cr.)
- Two semesters of General Physics (8 cr.)
- Two semesters of Human Anatomy and Physiology (8 cr.)
- One semester of Introductory Psychology (3 cr.)
- One semester of Developmental Psychology (3 to 4 cr.)
- One semester of Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.)
- One semester of a Public Speaking course (3 cr.)
- Two semesters of English Composition (6 cr.)
- One semester of undergraduate statistics (3 cr.)
- Essential Studies requirements
All of these courses must be completed or in process when a student makes application to the professional program. All science prerequisite courses must be completed with a grad. S-U and Pass/Fail grading are not accepted.
Students eligible to apply for the professional program must complete:
- Application. Apply through PTCAS and submit a UND School of Graduate Studies application form. Applications are available online starting in July through December 15.
- Transcripts. Refer to PTCAS for transcript requirements.
- Three letters of reference. Follow PTCAS directions.
- Observation Hours: Prospective students are expected to complete at least 60 hours of observation prior to admission, 40 of which must be with a physical therapist. The experience may come in the form of observation, volunteer work, or paid employment. The applicant should keep a log of the number of hours completed, name and type of facility, supervisor’s name, and types of patients observed.
- Interview. Interview dates and times are established in September, November and February. Each applicant is expected to be available for a personal interview.
The above requirements differ from Early Assurance Admission requirements.