Program Director's Message
Dear Prospective Resident,
We welcome your interest in our residency program and are excited to share with you what we believe is an excellent opportunity to participate in a year of clinical-based training and the development of fundamental skills in inpatient and ambulatory care.
The Transitional Year Residency Program is an integrated program of the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences, conducted almost exclusively at Sanford Health in Fargo, N.D.
In addition to Sanford, we are affiliated with the Fargo Veteran’s Administration Health Care System, which has a long-standing history of dedication to medical education as well as patient care. Educational activities at the VA Hospital complement those at Sanford by providing perspectives in quality management of chronic diseases unique to the veteran population.
We pride ourselves on being able to offer a solid, community-based training program, with enough flexibility to meet your individual needs. Our program, staff and hospitals are committed to a quality educational experience, where each resident's involvement and experiences assure close relationships with patients and peers as well as extensive interaction with faculty.
We are committed to a solid base of general internal medicine training in our program. To that end, we require four blocks of inpatient internal medicine; one block in critical care, emergency medicine, ambulatory care; and a half-block each of night float, and research and scholarly activity.
The flexibility of the UND Transitional Year Program offers five blocks of elective rotations. Every graduating resident of our program has the opportunity to learn and achieve proficiency in point of care ultrasound skills and apply the same in the everyday care of their patients. The comprehensive, one-year curriculum emphasizes hands-on medical study and the freedom to explore elective specialties.
Alumni state that their training here has prepared them well for the disciplines they entered for categorical training.
As you explore your training options, if professional and personal quality of life and a welcoming small city atmosphere are important to you, we hope you will consider UND. We look forward to discussing our program with you in more detail as you look ahead to making this very important career decision.
Neville Alberto, M.D., FACP
Program Director