Course Descriptions
PT 101. Orientation Physical Therapy. 1 Credit.
Overview of the educational requirements, practice issues, and opportunities in the
profession of physical therapy. Course content includes multimedia presentations,
lectures, and observation in clinical settings.
2023/2024 Grads
PT 402. Professional Communication and Behavior. 2 Credits.
Lecture and practice in interprofessional and interpersonal communication including
professional behavior, ethics, patient education, and written documentation. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 409. Clinical Pathology I. 3 Credits.
Selected pathological conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system. Associated
orthopedic diagnoses, surgical interventions, the influences of co-morbidities and
pharmaceutical interventions, and safety concerns are discussed with an application
to physical therapy patient/client management during orthopedic rehabilitation. Laboratory.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 410. Clinical Pathology II. 3 Credits.
Selected pathological conditions of body systems, associated surgical interventions,
the influence of co-morbidities, pharmaceutical interventions, and safety concerns
are discussed with application to physical therapy patient/client management. Laboratory.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. SS.
PT 412. Biomechanics and Kinesiology. 4 Credits.
Biomechanics and kinesiology of musculature acting on the extremities and trunk. Clinical
applications and evaluation of joint integrity and mobility, gait, range of motion
and muscle performance. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical
Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 413. Exercise in Health and Disease. 3 Credits.
Basic foundation for theoretical and practical application of exercise science principles
for physical therapists. Exercise science principles are applied to healthy individuals
and individuals with disease, impairments, and/or functional limitations. Examination
and intervention procedures incorporate aerobic capacity/endurance, anthropometric
characteristics, and muscle performance activities. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 415. Motor Control. 3 Credits.
Lecture and laboratory work in therapeutic exercise to establish and maintain muscular
control and coordination, including muscle re-education, facilitation, and relaxation.
Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 417. Clinical Examination and Evaluation I. 4 Credits.
Emphasizes patient/client management elements of examination and evaluation. Emphasis
is given to the musculoskeletal and neurological systems. Laboratory. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 420. Musculoskeletal System Examination. 2 Credits.
Principles of musculoskeletal examination and evaluation including identification
and palpation of surface anatomy, range of motion (ROM), measurement of joint ROM,
and evaluation of muscle performance. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum. F.
PT 422. Anatomy for Physical Therapy. 5 Credits.
Detailed lectures and demonstrations on musculoskeletal anatomy and neuroanatomy.
Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 423. Neuroscience for Physical Therapy. 4 Credits.
Structure and function of the human nervous system including pathophysiology and clinical
applications relevant to physical therapy practice. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum. F.
PT 426. Manual Therapy I. 2 Credits.
Introduction to joint mobilization/manipulation techniques. Emphasis is on mobilization/manipulation
as it relates to peripheral joints and soft tissues of the human body. Basic examination,
evaluation, and intervention techniques for the spine are also presented. Laboratory.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 435. Introduction to Patient/Client Care and Interventions. 4 Credits.
Basic physical therapy patient care skills addressing multiple areas of physical therapy
practice. A sample of topics address injury to the integument, select interventions
for all patients, positioning of patients, vital signs, aseptic technique, and basic
wheelchair techniques. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in professional physical
therapy curriculum. F.
PT 490. Special Topics:Physical Therapy. 1-4 Credits.
Introduction and investigation of advanced clinical procedures and topics. Topics
discussed will be dictated by student and faculty interests. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. Repeatable to 4 credits.
PT 491. Independent Study. 1-4 Credits.
Research and independent study in a specialized area of Physical Therapy. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 510. Integrated Clinical Experience. 1 Credit.
Short-term clinical experience to provide hands-on experience for students to apply
knowledge learned during the first year of the professional program. Experiences will
be set up in acute care, sub-acute care, long-term care, out-patient orthopedic, or
a rural site. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
Repeatable to 3 credits. F,S,SS.
PT 511. Applied Movement Science and Rehabilitation Procedures. 4 Credits.
Integration of clinical evaluation, functional goals, and treatment planning for individuals
with neurological and multiple musculoskeletal dysfunction. The primary focus is on
rehabilitation skills including assessment, exercise, handling techniques, functional
activities, equipment prescription, patient education, and ADLs, as well as community
mobility and governmental services. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 512. Therapeutic Agents. 3 Credits.
Theory and application of various hydrotherapy, phototherapy, and thermotherapy modalities
in Physical Therapy, including heat, light, sound, and water. Laboratory. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 514. Case Management I. 2 Credits.
Integrates multiple aspects of case management, including examination, evaluation,
diagnosis, prognosis, plan(s) of care, and intervention strategies. Evidence based
clinical decision making and verbal and written communications relative to case management
will be emphasized. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 519. Electrotherapy and Electrodiagnosis. 2 Credits.
Theory and application of therapeutic electrical currents, biofeedback, electromyography,
and nerve conduction velocity in physical therapy. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 521. Critical Inquiry I. 1 Credit.
Introduction to the collection of clinical data leading to a case study report. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 522. Administration in Physical Therapy. 3 Credits.
Lectures/discussion and seminar formats used to explore concepts of administration
procedures as applied to Physical Therapy and the health care delivery system. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 523. Lifespan I. 3 Credits.
Content related to human development; age-appropriate patient/client management; family-centered
care; health promotion and safety; and legislative, policy, and systems are applied
to pediatric patient/client management. Evidence-based practice for specific, common
pediatric conditions is emphasized in the application of core content concepts. Laboratory.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 524. Psychological Aspects of Disability. 2 Credits.
Readings and discussion course. Study of psychological coping mechanisms, reactions,
and motivational factors pertinent to people with disabilities. Review of adjustment
problems unique to specific disabilities and/or disease processes, including terminal
illness. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 525. Clinical Examination and Evaluation II. 3 Credits.
Emphasis is given to physical therapy examination, evaluation, and diagnoses as related
to an advanced dynamic biomechanical evaluation. Also included will be the integration
of NMS and support systems; clinical reasoning resulting in referral and/or modified
physical therapy interventions; and the communication of findings and recommendations.
Lecture Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 526. Manual Therapy II. 2 Credits.
Theory and application of manual therapy skills for examination and intervention techniques,
including thrust and nonthrust mobilizations/manipulations of the spine, pelvis, and
associated areas. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy
Curriculum. F.
PT 527. Critical Inquiry II. 2 Credits.
Application, analysis, and evaluation of clinical decision-making components, strategies,
and skills. Preparation and presentation of a clinical case study. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 528. Clinical Education I. 9 Credits.
The first in a sequence of four full-time clinical experiences in selected physical
therapy provider centers throughout the United States. Prerequisite: Registered in
Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 529. Clinical Education II. 9 Credits.
The second in a sequence of four full-time clinical experiences in selected physical
therapy provider centers throughout the United States. Prerequisite: Registered in
Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 535. Lifespan II. 2 Credits.
Examine the factors and forces that affect life quality in later years. The physiological,
psychological, and sociological aspects of aging will be considered, including those
influences in the cultural context that enhance and impede continued growth of the
person. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 538. Advanced Topics in Pediatric Physical Therapy. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to present current and advanced topics relating to pediatric
physical therapy clients and their families. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 539. Prevention and Wellness. 2 Credits.
The theory and practice of prevention of injury, maintenance and improvement of wellness,
and promotion of health and healthy behaviors across the lifespan. Concepts are applied
to the general, athletic, and industrial populations, with a view to interprofessional
involvement in wellness optimization. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical
Therapy Curriculum. F.
PT 540. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. 2 Credits.
This course is designed to expand the theoretical understanding and clinical application
of cardiopulmonary physical therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis,
intervention and outcomes. Laboratory. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical
Therapy Curriculum.
PT 541. Clinical Examination and Evaluation Ill. 3 Credits.
Emphasizes patient/client management elements of examination and evaluation. Emphasis
is given to systems screening, physical therapy diagnoses, and clinical reasoning
resulting in referral and /or modified physical therapy interventions. Emphasis is
also given to the communication of findings. Laboratory. F.
PT 544. Pharmacology for Physical Therapists. 1 Credit.
Pharmacological principles and implications for the clinical treatment of patients
referred to physical therapy. Fundamentals of drug classification, actions of drugs,
physiological mechanisms, and drug therapeutic and adverse effects. Prerequisite:
Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. SS.
PT 545. Medical Imaging for Physical Therapists. 2 Credits.
An introduction to medical imaging and an overview of its role in the health care
delivery system. Topics include principles of medical imaging, imaging equipment,
diagnostic imaging, and application of imaging principles to inform physical therapy
care. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. SS.
PT 549. Advanced Applied Anatomy/Clinical Kinesiology. 2 Credits.
Study of applied anatomy and its importance to research and clinical application,
particularly as related to Physical Therapy. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 550. Interprofessional Health Care. 1 Credit.
A process-learning course intended to provide experience in building a team of health
professionals from different professions. The focus is on learning to work effectively
with an interprofessional health care team. Emphasis is placed on effective teamwork,
the unique contributions of different professions, patient or family centered approach
in health care delivery, effective communication, and awareness of potential medical
errors. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. F,S.
PT 552. Clinical Education III. 9 Credits.
The third in a sequence of four full-time clinical experiences in selected physical
therapy provider centers throughout the United States. Prerequisite: Registered in
Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 553. Clinical Education IV. 9 Credits.
The fourth in a sequence of four full-time clinical experiences in selected physical
therapy provider centers throughout the United States. Prerequisite: Registered in
Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 561. Seminar:Physical Therapy. 1-4 Credits.
This course serves to focus student attention toward graduate study in Physical Therapy.
Explore and discuss areas of interest for students and faculty. May repeat to 4 credits
maximum. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. Repeatable
to 4 credits.
PT 562. Readings:Physical Therapy. 1-4 Credits.
Review of current literature pertinent to Physical Therapy; critical examination of
design, content, and validity of conclusions. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional
Physical Therapy Curriculum. Repeatable to 4 credits.
PT 572. Teaching Experience in Physical Therapy. 1-4 Credits.
Supervised experience in University teaching in Physical Therapy. Projects in curriculum
development, formulation of teaching/learning objectives, teaching materials, evaluation
tools, and experience in competency-based learning environment. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. Repeatable to 4 credits.
PT 583. Critical Inquiry III. 1 Credit.
Introduction to research instruments including surveys, electrical and mechanical
instrumentation critical to research methods. Includes discussion of validation, calibration,
and reliability of instruments used in physical therapy research. Students develop
a proposal for their scholarly projects and complete IRB use of human subject forms.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum.
PT 584. Evidence in Practice. 2 Credits.
Application of qualitative and quantitative research designs. Interpretation of statistical
tests used in evidence-based medicine. Critical review of current articles related
to diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, harm, cost, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and
clinical practice guidelines. Application of evidence to physical therapy practice.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. S.
PT 590. Directed Studies:Clinical Concepts in Physical Therapy. 1-12 Credits.
Individualized study of a particular area of interest for the student approved by
his/her major advisor and supervised by preceptors with specialty and/or recognized
expertise in the area of interest. Study may include library research, clinical research,
discussion/seminars, projects, and directed clinical experience. Prerequisite: Registered
in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. Repeatable to 12 credits.
PT 591. Research in Physical Therapy. 2 Credits.
Students develop the ability to effectively and accurately interpret and communicate
results/clinical outcomes as a component of the written Scholarly Project. Frequent
group and/or individual meetings with the advisor incorporate peer review discussion
to facilitate student development of professional written and oral communication skills.
Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. SS.
PT 592. Case Management II. 2 Credits.
Case management, with emphasis on the teaching and learning process and techniques
targeted to promote and optimize physical therapy services, including advocacy. Strategies
appropriate for conflict resolution are introduced. Professional development as a
practitioner of physical therapy is emphasized through introduction and preliminary
development of a portfolio. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy
PT 995. Scholarly Project. 1 credit.
Students provide a final written and oral report to the faculty on the results of
their collaborative Scholarly Project. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical
Therapy Curriculum.
PT 996. Continuing Enrollment. 1-12 credits.
Repeatable. S/U grading.
2025 Grads
PT 101. Pre-Physical Therapy. 1 credit.
Overview of the educational requirements, practice issues, and opportunities in the
profession of physical therapy. Course content includes multimedia presentations,
lectures, and observation in clinical settings.
PT 550. Interprofessional Health Care. 1 credit
A process-learning course intended to provide experience in building a team of health
professionals from different professions. The focus is on learning to work effectively
with an interprofessional health care team. Emphasis is placed on effective teamwork,
the unique contributions of different professions, patient or family centered approach
in health care delivery, effective communication, and awareness of potential medical
errors. Prerequisite: Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum. F,S.
PT 602. Communication and Professionalism in Practice. 2 credits
Introduction and practice for students in their role as professionals in the health
care setting. Emphasis is placed on professional core values, professional behaviors,
ethics, and interpersonal and interprofessional communication skills in the health
care environment.
PT 603. Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics I. 2 credits
This course will provide the anatomical and biomechanical knowledge to understand
the human movement system and apply these concepts for the practice of physical therapy.
Anatomy and Biomechanics of the spine, pelvis, and lower extremity will be covered.
PT 604. Gross Anatomy Lab I. 2 credits.
Foundational science course that includes dissection of human cadavers. Basic structural
and functional relationships of the musculoskeletal, integumentary, neuromuscular,
and cardiovascular/pulmonary systems are emphasized. Topographical and radiological
correlations are utilized in combination with clinical correlations to enhance student
PT 605. Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics II. 2 credits.
Application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT
coursework in small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting.
PT 606. Gross Anatomy Lab II. 2 credits.
Foundational science course that includes dissection of human cadavers. Basic structural
and functional relationships of the musculoskeletal, integumentary, neuromuscular,
and cardiovascular/pulmonary systems are emphasized. Topographical and radiological
correlations are utilized in combination with clinical correlations to enhance student
PT 607. Pathophysiology for Physical Therapists I. 3 credits.
This course provides and overview of physiology and pathophysiology of systems for
physical therapists. Associated health conditions, surgical interventions, the influence
of co-morbidities and pharmaceutical interventions, and safety concerns are discussed
with an application to physical therapy patient/client management.
PT 608. Pathophysiology for Physical Therapists II.
This course provides and overview of physiology and pathophysiology of systems for
physical therapists. Associated health conditions, surgical interventions, the influence
of co-morbidities and pharmaceutical interventions, and safety concerns are discussed
with an application to physical therapy patient/client management.
PT 609. Neuroscience for Clinical Practice I. 3 credits.
Human neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with emphasis on motor theory and the sensory
and motor systems involved in the acquisition and control of movement. Discussion
of normal functions as well as the clinical signs and symptoms of pathological lesions
affecting the nervous system. Applicable health conditions, impairments, and activity
limitations of the nervous system relevant to current practice are introduced.
PT 610. Neuroscience for Clinical Practice II. 3 credits.
Human neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with emphasis on motor theory and the sensory
and motor systems involved in the acquisition and control of movement. Discussion
of normal functions as well as the clinical signs and symptoms of pathological lesions
affecting the nervous system. Applicable health conditions, impairments, and activity
limitations of the nervous system relevant to current practice are introduced.
PT 611. Movement System Examination & Evaluation I. 3 credits.
Integration of examination and evaluation techniques for diagnosis and prognosis or
impairments and activity limitations of the human movement system. Emphasis is given
to musculoskeletal and neurological examination and evaluation components.
PT 612. Movement System Examination & Evaluation II. 3 credits.
Integration of examination and evaluation techniques for diagnosis and prognosis or
impairments and activity limitations of the human movement system. Emphasis is given
to musculoskeletal and neurological examination and evaluation components.
PT 615. Movement System Intervention I. 3 credits.
This course integrates components of the movement system as it relates to human motor
performance across the lifespan. This includes principles and applications of therapeutic
intervention with integration of current evidence and clinical decision making to
emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, and progression of physical therapy
PT 616. Movement System Intervention II. 3 credits.
This course integrates components of the movement system as it relates to human motor
performance across the lifespan. This includes principles and applications of therapeutic
intervention with integration of current evidence and clinical decision making to
emphasize appropriate selection, instruction, and progression of physical therapy
PT 617. Physical Therapy Case Application I. 2 credits.
Application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT
coursework in small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting.
PT 618. Physical Therapy Case Application II. 2 credits.
Application of information and clinical skills learned in concurrent and prior DPT
coursework in small group discussion and pseudo-clinical setting.
PT 620. Evidence Based Practice I. 2 credits.
This course provides students with the foundational concepts related to critical thinking,
logic of inquiry, applied statistics, and appropriate clinical research methodologies.
Elements of the Patient/Client Management Model are introduced as they relate to diagnosis,
prognosis, intervention, and outcomes.
PT 622. Biophysical Agents. 2 credits.
Theory and practice in the use of biophysical agents in rehabilitation.
PT 623. Management of the Pediatric Patient. 3 credits.
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need
to provide care to pediatric populations. This course refines and allows for the
theoretical understanding and clinical application of pediatric physical therapy examination,
evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention, and outcomes.
PT 625. Evidence Based Practice II. 2 credits.
This course encourages the use of the principles of evidence-based practice components,
strategies, and skills, integrating clinical expertise, patients’ preference/values,
and research evidence to produce a therapeutic alliance during the first clinical
experience. Students will apply the EBP process, and clinical decision making to
a clinical case that will culminate into a formal presentation.
PT 626. Management of the Musculoskeletal System I. 2 credits.
This course builds upon knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, biomechanics,
and therapeutic exercise to enhance the skills of examination, evaluation, and treatment
of the human movement system. Emphasis will be given to movement system screening,
physical therapy diagnoses, and clinical reasoning resulting in referral and/or modified
physical therapy practice.
PT 627. Integrated Clinical Experience. 4 credits.
Short-term clinical experience to provide hands-on experience for student to apply
knowledge learned during the first year of the professional program. Experiences
will be set up in acute care, sub-acute care, long-term care, outpatient orthopedic,
or a rural site. Registered in Professional Physical Therapy Curriculum is the prerequisite.
PT 630. Foundations of Clinical Research. 2-3 credits.
This course will explore various methods of physical therapy research. Students will
work with faculty through study coordination, data collection, data analysis, and
scientific writing. Credits are variable and are negotiated with faculty.
PT 631. Management of Neuromuscular Health Conditions. 4 credits.
Integration of clinical evaluation, functional goals, and treatment planning for individuals
with neurological and multiple musculoskeletal dysfunction. The primary focus is
on rehabilitation skills including assessment, exercise, handling techniques, functional
activities, equipment prescription, patient education, and ADLs, also incorporates
community mobility and governmental services.
PT 632. Leadership in Physical Therapy. 2 credits.
Leadership is an integral skill in the development and success of personal and professional
physical therapy practice. This course provides a roadmap to achieving excellence
in leadership. Emphasis will be placed on exploring leadership of oneself, leadership
of others, and leadership to the profession and society.
PT 634. Acute Care Physical Therapy. 1 credit.
Acute care physical therapy encompasses the knowledge and skills suitable to thoroughly
examine and appropriately intervene with patients in medically compromised situations.
Students will learn to provide safe, efficient and effective care for their patients
in an acute care environment through the use of simulated patients and clinical scenarios.
PT 635. Management of the Older Patient. 2 credits.
Examine the factors and forces that affect quality of life in later years. The physiological,
psychological, and sociological aspects of aging will be considered, including those
influences in the cultural context that enhance and impede continued growth of the
PT 638. Advanced Topis in Pediatrics. 3 credits.
This course is designed to provide students with sequential and integrated learning experiences that prepare
them to provide care to pediatric populations. This course is intended to provide
a level of greater expertise and a more in-depth understanding of pediatric physical
therapy practice.
PT 640. Management of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems. 3 credits.
This course is designed to expand the theoretical understanding and clinical application
of cardiopulmonary physical therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis,
intervention and outcomes. Laboratory.
PT 641. Management of the Complex Patient. 3 credits.
Facilitates the physical therapist’s role as an interdependent practitioner working
within a collaborative medical model. Utilizes case studies across a variety of clinical
settings to examine the management of patient populations with one or more systems
involvement including illness, injury, impairment, activity limitations and participation
restrictions. Activities will focus on body systems screening for medical disease,
selecting appropriate tests and measures, evaluation and prognosis, psycho-social
considerations, and a comprehensive plan of care. Lecture. Laboratory.
PT. 642. Practice Management in Physical Therapy. 3 credits.
This course provides an overview of physical therapy practice management fundamentals.
This includes the study of organizations, strategic planning, human resources, fiscal
management, communications, and medical, legal, and ethical issues, as they relate
to physical therapy practice and improved healthcare outcomes.
PT 645. Medical Imaging for Physical Therapists. 2 credits.
An introduction to medical imaging and an overview of its role in the health care
delivery system. Topics include principles of medical imaging, imaging equipment,
diagnostic imaging, and application of imaging principles to inform physical therapy
PT 646. Management of the Musculoskeletal System II. 2 credits.
Theory and application of manual therapy skills for examination and intervention techniques,
including thrust and non-thrust mobilizations/manipulations, of the spine, pelvis,
and associated areas.
PT 650. Evidence Based Practice III. 2 credits.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the skills necessary to critically
appraise research designs and research findings related to physical therapy practice.
PT 651. Clinical Immersion and Community Health. 4 credits.
This course integrates effective communication strategies, fostering students’ clinical
skills by developing physical examination, critical thinking and reasoning skills,
intervention design and clinical teaching for clients in a clinic/classroom setting.
In addition, students are immersed in health prevention, promotion and wellness in
community-based settings.
PT 652. Clinical Experience I. 9 credits.
Full-time, 9-week clinical experience in a selected physical therapy center throughout
the United States.
PT 653. Clinical Experience II. 9 credits.
Full-time, 9-week clinical experience in a selected physical therapy center throughout
the United States.
Pt 654. Clinical Experience III. 12 credits.
Full-time, 12-week clinical experience in a selected physical therapy center throughout
the United States.
PT 659. Prevention, Wellness, and Health Promotions. 2 credits.
Theory and application of manual therapy skills for examination and intervention techniques,
including thrust and non-thrust mobilizations/manipulations, of the spine, pelvis,
and associated areas.
PT 660. Teaching in Physical Therapy Practice. 1 credit.
Principles and strategies for effective teaching in academic and clinical environments.
Patient/client, peer, and professional presentations. Students will develop educational
programming for a community audience.
PT 661. Professional Development. 1 credit.
Targeted techniques will be employed to promote and optimize physical therapy services
related to legislative and advocacy efforts. Professional development as a practitioner
of physical therapy is emphasized through introduction and development of a professional
PT 672. Teaching Experience in Physical Therapy. 1-4 credits.
Supervised experience in University teaching in physical therapy. Projects in curriculum
development, formulation of teaching and learning objectives, teaching materials,
evaluation tools, and experience in a competency based learning environment.
PT 691. Seminar in Physical Therapy. 1 credit.
This course serves to focus student attention toward graduate study in Physical Therapy.
Explore and discuss areas of interest for students and faculty.
PT 995. Scholarly Project. 1 credit.
Students develop a final written and oral report to the faculty on the results of
their collaborative Scholarly Project. The written component will be a scientific
manuscript that conforms to the standards for submissions consistent with the School
of Graduate Studies and Physical Therapy Journal.