Summer Institute (SI)
For more than 50 years, INMED Summer Institute has helped to prepare students in grades 7-12 for college and careers in the allied health fields.
What is Summer Institute?
- SI is an academic enrichment session for students who are interested in exploring careers and fields of study in health care.
- SI provides students an opportunity to enhance their potential for success in a health career through daily classes in biology, chemistry, communications/study skills, health with basic first aid, math and physics. These courses are vital for a successful health career.
- In addition to the coursework, SI participants are given the opportunity to experience life on a college campus, listen to successful American Indian health professionals, learn more about various health careers, participate in educational field trips, and meet other American Indian students from across the United States.
- Up to 60 students are selected each year to participate in SI. Supervision is provided on a 24-hour-a-day basis for the entire six-week period. All educational expenses (i.e., room and board, transportation) are paid by the program with funds from our Indian Health Service grant.
The Summer Institute 2025 application is now open!
- Dec 2, 2024: priority application window opens for students that reside in the Quentin N. Burdick Service area (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, and Wyoming)
- Jan 1, 2025: for all applicants
- March 15, 2025: final application deadline for all applicants
Dates for 2025 Summer Institute June 9 - July 10
Application Checklist (have these materials ready before you begin):
1.Typed & signed autobiographical sketch
Times New Roman or Arial Font, size 12, double spaced, max 250 words per prompt.
Please provide information on the following:
- Yourself (i.e. family, spirituality, culture, personality, character, education, hobbies/interests)
- Involvement in your tribal community
- Education and career goals
- Extra-curricular activities/volunteerism
- Other educational programs you've been a participant of (i.e. STEM)
- Why you want to participate in the INMED Summer Institute Program
- What you hope to achieve by becoming an INMED participant
2. Most recently available academic transcripts. Official transcripts can be ordered and sent to INMED directly.
3. Documentation of tribal enrollment and/or descendancy from a federally recognized tribe.
TWO recommendation letters must be sent directly to INMED from your recommenders:
You may provide the recommendation form to your recommenders. INMED will also reach out to your recommenders from the contact information you provide in the online application.
University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences Indians Into Medicine, E251 1301 N Columbia Road Stop 9037 Grand Forks, ND 58202-9037
For more Information, please contact:

- 701.777.3093
School of Medicine & Health Sciences Room E244
Grand Forks ND 58202-9037