SMHS Advisory Council
In addition to the SMHS Executive Committee, the School is overseen by an Advisory
Council, which is mandated by section 15-52 of the North Dakota Century Code.
SMHS Advisory Council Members
Thomas F. Arnold, M.D., Dickinson, Chair
Southwest Campus
Joshua Wynne, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., Grand Forks, Executive Secretary
Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean
UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences
Representative Gretchen Dobervich, Fargo
North Dakota House of Representatives
Senator Robert S. Erbele, Lehr
North Dakota Senate
Brad Gibbens, M.P.A., Grand Forks
UND Center for Rural Health
Dean Gross, Ph.D., F.N.P.-C, Fargo
North Dakota Center for Nursing
Courtney M. Koebele, J.D., Bismarck (ex officio)
North Dakota Medical Association
John M. Kutch, M.H.S.A., Minot
Northwest Campus
Michael LeBeau, M.D., Bismarck
North Dakota Hospital Association
Senator Tim Mathern, M.P.A., Fargo
North Dakota Senate
David Molmen, M.P.H., Grand Forks
Northeast Campus
Representative Jon O. Nelson, Rugby
North Dakota House of Representatives
Jason Petti, M.S., Fargo
Interim Director
Veterans Administration Fargo Healthcare
Joshua Ranum, M.D., Hettinger
North Dakota Medical Association
Casey Ryan, M.D., Grand Forks
State Board of Higher Education
Sara Stolt, M.S., Bismarck
Deputy Commissioner, North Dakota Health and Human Services
Stephen J. Tinguely, M.D., Fargo
Southeast Campus
Nizar Wehbi, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., Bismarck
North Dakota Department of Health