Synapt G2S HD Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Technology with UPLC Waters Acquity and nano-UPLC Waters Acquity systems (Waters)

- High-resolution (40,000) accurate mass (2 ppm) instrument with ESI, APCI, APPI, Solid Probe ion sources, nano-ESI, and ion mobility cell
- Allows for M.S. and MSe analysis, exact mass, elemental composition, and structure determination of unknown compounds
- Metabolomics profiling and experimental group metabolome comparison
- Proteomics analysis
Xevo TQ-S Mass Spectrometer (Waters) coupled to Waters Acquity UPLC-I class system

- Waters High-sensitivity, low-resolution instrument with ESI and APCI ion sources
- Allows for a targeted quantification of known compounds using LC-MS/MS approach
- Available for self operation after training
Polaris Q Trap Mass Spectrometer coupled to TRACE GC Ultra (Thermo Finnigan)

- Low-Resolution, EI and CI, GC-MS and GC-MS/MSn
- Allows for quantification of volatile compounds, often requires derivatization
- Available for self-operation after training
Q Exactive Orbitrap coupled to Waters NanoAcquity UPLC

- High-resolution (250,000) accurate mass (0.5 ppm) instrument with ESI and nano-ESI ion sources
- Allows for metabolomics and proteomics profiling, and protein and metabolite ID
API 3000 coupled to Agilent HPLC coupled to Agilent HPLC

- An old but very robust system
- High sensitivity, low-resolution instrument with ESI, APCI, Photon Ionization ion sources
- Allows for a targeted quantification of known compounds using LC-MS/MS approach