North Dakota Medicine
North Dakota Medicine is a quarterly print publication of the UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences.
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Current Issue
Holiday 2024 (Vol. 49, No. 4)
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Feature Stories
- The real ‘South Pacific’ - SMHS alum Dr. Don Person tells the story of the world’s longest running humanitarian telemedicine program.
- Occupational therapy as primary care - AOTA President Alyson Stover visits UND and envisions how OT can be primary care for the entire community.
- Thirty years of changing the lives of Native Elders - The National Resource Center on Native American Aging celebrates 30 years and shows no signs of slowing down.
- Prescription for positivity - UND grad Harris Jensen shares his advice for breaking the cycle of negative thinking.
- Indigenous health goes global - UND’s Department of Indigenous Health prepares to bring students abroad via two international opportunities.
- Bridging the Gap - Community Health Needs Assessments provide vital insights into rural community well-being.
- X-Raise - North Dakota radiologists raise funds for a scholarship endowment designed to help grow their ranks.