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On January 7, 2025, all EBSCOhost-based platforms will undergo a full user interface (UI) refresh. EBSCO’s new UI will include personalized dashboards, advanced search parameters and filters to more easily narrow search results, enhanced accessibility, and improved translation features. Most of our EBSCOhost resources will look different when you access them for research after January […]
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Name: Sandi L. Bates Position: SW Clinical Campus Librarian Where do you work? Bismarck Center for Family Medicine building and in hybrid mode from my home How many pets do you have, what kind of pet are they, and what are their names? Many of you were able during various Zoom or Teams calls to […]
The post Meet Our Staff: Sandi Bates appeared first on SMHS Library Resources.
Nobody understands information overload quite like your librarians. We also know that FOMO is real! Especially for a topic like artificial intelligence, where narratives about AI taking over our lives are rampant. If you want to get a handle on current news and research on AI, without getting lost in rabbit holes, check out our […]
The post Check out our real-time AI RSS feeds appeared first on SMHS Library Resources.