Two Biomedical Sciences Lab Members Awarded 2024 AAI Trainee Awards
Two lab members in the Department of Biomedical Sciences have been awarded American
Association of Immunologists (AAI) Trainee Awards. Angela Mullins, a graduate student
in Dr. Kumi Nagamoto-Combs's lab, was awarded the 2024 AAI Trainee Poster Award, and
Geetika Verma, a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Kumi Nagamoto-Combs's lab, was awarded
the 2024 AAI Trainee Abstract Award.
The AAI trainee abstract awardee has the opportunity to deliver an oral presentation in the SMHS block symposium and present their poster. This award provides $500 to AAI Trainee members (undergraduate students, graduate students, young professionals, and postdoctoral fellows) whose first-author abstracts submitted to the AAI annual meeting are selected for oral presentation in Major Symposia or Block Symposia.
The AAI Trainee poster awardee has the opportunity to present the poster at the poster session at AAI. This award provides $300 to AAI Trainee members (undergraduate students, graduate students, young professionals, and postdoctoral fellows) whose first-author abstracts submitted to the AAI annual meeting are selected for poster sessions only and found to be exceptional by the AAI Abstract Programming Chairs. Selection is based on the originality and significance of the research being presented.
Further information of the awards can be found at The American Association of Immunologists - AAI Trainee Abstract Award and The American Association of Immunologists - AAI Trainee Poster Award