The "education" side of the SMHS division of Education & Faculty Affairs consists
of a variety of teams, including those dedicated to:
Providing ACCME-approved continuing education credits for professionals of all health backgrounds.
Education Resources is an administrative unit within the School of Medicine & Health
Sciences that is charged with two functions: Medical Curriculum and Teaching, Learning
and Scholarship.
Interprofessional education is one of our School's strengths and begins with a foundational course that assembles students from eight health professions across
3 colleges and schools at UND, including medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational
therapy, communication sciences and disorders, social work, nutrition and dietetics,
and counseling psychology.
The SMHS Library Resources team is here for all student and faculty information needs, from medical database research and interlibrary loans to faculty course reserves and other online resources.
Our state-of-the art simulation facility offers a clinical setting where health care professionals can actively apply their knowledge in simulation, observation, and debriefing of real-life patient scenarios, with the goal of improving patient safety and care.