The North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center (FASC) and its partners have published
dozens of studies on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disease (FASD).
Other Recent FASD Publications
Weyrauch, D., Schwartz, M., Hart, B., Klug, M.G., & Burd, L. Comorbid mental disorders in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 2017, 38(4), 283-291.
Schwartz, M., Hart, B., Weyrauch, D., Benson, P., Klug, M.G., Burd, L. The hidden face of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Current Women’s Health Reviews 2017, 13(2), 96‑102.
Dukes, K., Tripp, T., Petersen, J., Robinson, F., Odendaal, H., Elliott, A., Willinger, M., Hereld, D., Raffo, C., Kinney, H.C., Groenewald, C., Angal, J., Young, R., Burd, L., & PASS Network. A modified timeline followback assessment to capture alcohol exposure in pregnant women: Application in the safe passage study. Alcohol 2017, 62, 17-27.
Myers, M.M., Elliott, A.J., Odendaal, H.J., Burd, L., Angal, J., Groenewald, C., Nugent, J.D., Yang, J.S., Isler, J.R., Dukes, K.A., Robinson, F., Fifer, W.P., PASS Network. Cardiorespiratory physiology in the safe passage study: Protocol, methods and normative values in unexposed infants. Acta Paediatrica 2017 Aug; 106(8), 1260-1272.
Dukes, K., Tripp, T., Willinger, M., Odendaal, H., Elliott, A. J., Kinney, H. C., Robinson, F., Petersen, J. M., Raffo, C., Hereld, D., Groenewald, C., Angal, J., Hankins, G., Burd, L., Fifer, W. P., Myers, M. M., Hoffman, H. J., Sullivan, L., the PASS Network. Drinking and smoking patterns during pregnancy: Development of group-based trajectories in the Safe Passage Study. Alcohol 2017, 62, 49-60.
Johnson, S., Moyer, C. L., Klug, M. G., Burd, L. Comparison of alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder and neurodevelopmental disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure diagnostic criteria. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 2017 (online first).
Lange, S., Probst, C., Gmel, G., Rehm, J., Burd, L., Popova, S. Global prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among children and youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics 2017, 171(10), 948-956.
Burd, L. Invited Commentary: FASD and ADHD: Are they related and how? BMC Psychiatry 2016, 16, 325.
Easton, B., Burd, L., Rehm, J., & Popova, S. Productivity losses associated with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Association Journal 129(1440), 72-83. August 2016.
Longhurst, W., Ernst, J., & Burd, L. Fetal alcohol exposure and development of the integument. Research and Reports to Neonatology 2016, 6(6), 25-32.
Popova, S., Lange, S., Burd, L., Nam, S., & Rehm, J. Special education of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Exceptionality 2016 24(3), 165-175.
Burd, L. Invited Commentary: FASD: Complexity from comorbidity. Lancet, 2016, 387(10022), 926-927.
Popova, S., Lange, S., Burd, L., Rehm, J., Cost attributable to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in the Canadian correctional system. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2015, 41, 76‑81.
Himes, S.K., Dukes, K.A., Tripp, T., Petersen, J., Raffo, C., Burd, L., Odendaal, H., Elliott, A.J., Hereld, D., Signore, C., Willinger, M., & Huestis, M.A. Clinical sensitivity and specificity of meconium fatty acid ethyl ester, ethyl glucuronide, and ethyl sulfate for detecting maternal drinking during pregnancy. Clinical Chemistry 2015 61(3), 523-532.
Popova, S., Lange, S., Burd, L., & Rehm, J. The economic burden of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Canada in 2013. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2015, 1-11.
Brown, N.N., Burd, L., Grant, T., Edwards, W., Adler, R., & Streissguth, A. Prenatal alcohol exposure: An assessment strategy for the legal context. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 42-42 2015, 144-148.