Our neuroscientists and neurologists are collaborating to develop translational research that can improve the quality of life for all North Dakotans.
Severe Neurologists Shortage
North Dakota has a severe shortage of physicians specializing in neurology. According to a supply and demand analysis of neurology workforce conducted by the American Academy of Neurology, North Dakota is one of two states with the most severe neurologist shortage. We need 41 neurologists, but we have only 22 right now.
This lack of neurologists is expected to get worse over the next two decades because of the aging population in North Dakota. An aging population has a higher incidence of neurological conditions and demands more neurology care. According to the 2010 Census, there were 101,168 North Dakotans between 60 and 79 years old, and 180,781 between ages 40 and 59. Therefore, by 2030 North Dakota will have an 80 percent increase in its population aged between 60 and 79.
Meeting Demand
We are taking actions to address the shortage in neurologists to ensure that North Dakotans will get high-quality neurology care well into the future.
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)
Our Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) was formed to kindle our students’ interests in choosing neurology as a career. SIGN invites speakers to discuss different aspects of neurology as a career throughout the year. These sessions are available to all of our medical students.
Two-Week Neurology Clerkship
Our two-week neurology clerkship improves neurology education of our third-year medical students. We're working to with the course committee to increase the neurology clerkship to four weeks.
Collaborative Research
With the aging population, more North Dakotans will suffer from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. There are currently no cures for these conditions. One of the best ways to improve our understanding, and ultimately to find the cures for these conditions, is to encourage interactions among clinicians who see these patients first-hand and basic scientists who work in the laboratory to explore the basic mechanisms of neurodegeneration.
Our Mission
- To train the next generation of medical students and residents in the clinical skills of neurology.
- To enhance translational research in neurology.
- To provide outstanding patient care for patients with neurological disorders in North Dakota.